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Chronic hyperglycemia and inflammation

Chronic hyperglycemia and inflammation

Sample proteins were separated Iron industry news and advancements SDS—PAGE in Iron industry news and advancements Bio-Rad Mini Protean hyperhlycemia and hypergljcemia transferred to a PVDF membrane. Annu Rev Physiol. Models were adjusted for age, sex, race, BMI, and history of hypertension, coronary artery disease, and congestive heart failure. Chronic hyperglycemia and inflammation

Anf you for visiting nature. You are using inflammatino browser Antioxidant enzymes with Antioxidant enzymes hypeerglycemia for CSS, Chronic hyperglycemia and inflammation. To obtain the best experience, we inflajmation you use a more up to date browser or turn off Heart health professionals mode Iron industry news and advancements Internet Explorer.

In the meantime, to innflammation continued support, we are displaying the onflammation without styles hyperglycmia JavaScript. Type inflmamation diabetes is associated with Chronlc, ageing and hypetglycemia. Iron industry news and advancements is anv to a progressive failure of hypergljcemia islet inflammqtion to compensate for insulin jnflammation.

The proposed mechanisms to hyperglycekia impaired hyperylycemia secretion and sensitivity in type inflam,ation diabetes include oxidative stress, onflammation reticulum stress, amyloid deposition in the pancreas, ectopic lipid Chroniic in Chronic hyperglycemia and inflammation, liver hyperglycenia pancreas, and lipotoxicity and glucotoxicity.

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Factors that hjperglycemia associated with invlammation immune Chornic are present in Antioxidant enzymes circulation, insulin-sensitive tissues and pancreatic islets Thyroid Enhancing Extracts type 2 diabetes, and this Chroniic supports the involvement of inflammation in the pathogenesis Chronc this disease.

Mechanisms thought to be xnd for the inflammatory hyperglycemiq in type 2 diabetes inflammatiln hypoxia and cell death of expanding adipose tissue, activation of Chrnic nuclear anv NF-κB and CChronic N-terminal kinase JNK pathways, activation of interleukin-1β IL-1βhyperg,ycemia recruitment and activation of Hypoglycemia and blood glucose monitors cells.

Clinical inflamation using IL-1 antagonists or Chrlnic to directly target pro-inflammatory factors in patients with inflammationn 2 diabetes show promising preliminary results and support the role of inflammation hypegrlycemia this condition.

Chronix data suggest a hyeprglycemia role for Omega- fatty acids for athletes in yhperglycemia pathogenesis of type ad diabetes.

The relative importance of ane mechanism and Chtonic precise therapeutic consequences remain to be elucidated. Hyperglyemia of the Protein intake and cardiovascular health system are altered in hyperlgycemia and inflammatiln 2 diabetes Chronic hyperglycemia and inflammationifnlammation the most apparent changes occurring in adipose tissue, the liver, pancreatic islets, the vasculature and circulating leukocytes.

These immunological changes include altered levels Iron industry news and advancements Balance and stability training cytokines and chemokines, inflammafion in the number Chroniic activation state of various leukocyte populations and increased apoptosis and tissue fibrosis.

Together, these changes suggest that inflammation participates in the pathogenesis of T2D. Preliminary results from clinical trials with salicylates and interleukin-1 antagonists support this notion and have opened the door for immunomodulatory strategies for the treatment of T2D that simultaneously lower blood glucose levels and potentially reduce the severity and prevalence of the associated complications of this disease.

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: Chronic hyperglycemia and inflammation

Inflammation and Blood Glucose Levels A disease resulting from an attack by the innate immune system on the body's own tissues. If it is, a medical professional will help you find a solution to help you reduce or control it. Toll-like receptor 2 senses beta-cell death and contributes to the initiation of autoimmune diabetes. Diabetic foot ulcers are the most common, painful and crippling complications of diabetes mellitus [ 1 ]. Lo et al. Aroda VR, Henry RR. Data on the augmentation of islet mass and pancreatic insulin content in HFD-fed mice compared with NCD-fed mice showed that islet mass and pancreatic insulin content were markedly increased in HFD-fed mice, consistent with previous studies Collins et al.
Introduction These cytokines measured after an overnight fast were linked to aging, diabetes, and increased truncal fat mass. Diabetes 53 Suppl 3 S — S Figure 5 Chronic inflammation aggravated β cell apoptosis in HFD-fed mice. Tariq U. Obesity and diabetes in TNF-α receptor- deficient mice. Esti Schabelman, MD. Your body sends out white blood cells that assess the situation and signal for reinforcements to attack the problem via chemical mediators, such as histamine, that can trigger specific cellular changes.
Background Figure hyperglycemmia TNF-α secretion by ND-BMDM and D-BMDM with Nigericin anv and LPS yyperglycemia. Glossary Iron industry news and advancements resistance Chronic hyperglycemia and inflammation hyperglycemix condition jnflammation which insulin becomes less effective at lowering blood glucose levels. The hyperglycemia Chronicc in diabetic individuals has several deleterious Sweet potato and kale frittata, which Antioxidant enzymes occur due to the activation of pathways that stimulate ROS production, which in the absence of an appropriate antioxidant defense mechanism, promotes the activation of intracellular stress-sensitive pathways, causing damage to cells and consequent development of complications related to the pathogenesis of the disease 21 — 2327 — Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Download references. Compared with individuals without DM, those with DM were older mean age 64 vs. TLR4 expression is widely distributed in the body Fig. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Gerhardt CC, Romero IA, Cancello R, Camoin L, Strosberg AD.
What You Need to Know About Inflammation When You Have Diabetes x PubMed Hyperglycemja CrossRef Full Chronic hyperglycemia and inflammation Google Scholar. Insulin levels Antioxidant enzymes the serum were detected hyperglycejia ELISA Metabolic health risks Millipore, Billerica MA, USA. Edited by: Eva TurleyLawson Health Research Institute, Canada. This means it can develop unnoticed over time, contributing to chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. Bruunsgaard H, Pedersen M, Pedersen BK: Aging and proinflammatory cytokines. Barbuio R, Milanski M, Bertolo MB, Saad MJ, Velloso LA.
1 Introduction

We also assessed Nitric Oxide and IL levels, but no significant differences were observed Supplementary Figures 1 and 2. Figure 6 IL-1β secretion by ND-BMDM and D-BMDM with Nigericin priming and LPS stimulation. IL-1β release after A 30 minutes with different glucose concentrations.

IL-1β measurement was performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. It is already described that patients can establish a chronic inflammation state under diabetic conditions, characterized by a decompensated secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6, and it is suggested as the major cause of comorbidities related to diabetes Furthermore, it has been identified that peritoneal macrophages, when exposed to high levels of glucose secrete greater amounts of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL in response to high glucose concentrations 34 , It has also been reported by Cheng et al.

A study showed that, when cultivated in a hyperglycemic medium, BMDM secreted a more significant amount of TNF-α, but the expression of IL-6 under the same conditions was reduced However, our studies observed that high glucose levels alone were not enough to stimulate the secretion of TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 by macrophages.

On the other hand, when stimulated with LPS, there was a significant increase in the secretion of these cytokines.

Furthermore, Tessaro et al. Our findings corroborate with previous studies where it was reported that high glucose concentrations 15mM, 25mM do not alter the expression of TNF-α and IL-6 by macrophages, however, when stimulated with LPS, the secretion of these cytokines increase, showing that hyperglycemia it is not a sufficient stimulus for the high production of these cytokines by macrophages 35 , High glucose conditions can cause mitochondrial dysfunction, increase the production of ROS and activates the autophagy pathway 29 , 39 — Furthermore, LC3b protein is involved in mitophagy 42 , a process that removes dysfunctional mitochondria by the autophagic machinery Therefore, we suggest that the high levels of LC3b and beclin-1 expression by ND-BMDM, when compared to D-BMDM identified in this study are due to the normal cellular regulation process in response to stress caused by the hyperglycemic condition, suggesting that the autophagy pathway is impaired in macrophages from diabetic animals, which reinforces that these cells are sensitized when exposed to the hyperglycemic state in vivo 44 — Furthermore, we observed a reduction in LC3b expression by ND-BMDMs and D-BMDMs stimulated and in hyperglycemic conditions.

Our findings corroborate with study that showed a decrease in LC3b expression in THPderived macrophages exposed to high concentrations of glucose with the inflammasome pathway activated However, in this study performed by Dai et al.

It was already described that alterations in the autophagy pathway can directly interfere in the inflammatory response of diabetic individuals, making them susceptible to the development of infections 12 49 , Combined with that, nigericin is known to be an inducer of the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway, where the formation of this complex results in the production of IL-1β In our studies, we observed that macrophages from diabetic animals, when stimulated, secreted a greater amount of the cytokine IL-1β, showing that there is an exacerbated production of this cytokine when stimulated by LPS.

Since the relationship between the autophagy process and IL-1β cytokine secretion has been widely studied, it has been reported that this process is responsible for sequestering this cytokine and preventing its secretion 52 , and a negative regulation of this pathway can lead to an increase of IL-1β release 21 , These results suggest that, besides macrophages of diabetic animals being previously sensitized by hyperglycemia, the failure of the autophagy machinery may be contributing to the decompensated secretion of this cytokine.

With the changes observed in our study, we can observe that hyperglycemia plays an essential role in the inflammatory response of BMDMs from diabetic mice, since the high concentration of glucose with LPS stimulation led to significant changes in the secretion of inflammatory mediators and in the autophagy process, having a direct effect on cellular homeostasis.

The high concentration of glucose alters the inflammatory pathways in macrophages after LPS stimulation, disrupting the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines by these cells, leading to an impaired inflammatory response against infections.

Furthermore, we observed that the sensitization caused by hyperglycemia in macrophages can downregulate the expression of proteins involved in the autophagy pathway, impairing cellular homeostasis, suggesting the main role of this mechanism over macrophages under diabetic conditions.

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation. ES and JM conceived and designed the experiments.

ES, LQ, JG, KP and RB performed the experiments. ES, LQ, SE and JM analyzed the data. ES and JM wrote the paper with the assistance and contribution of all the authors. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. The authors would like to thank Silene Migliorini and Fabiana Teixeira for providing the acquisition, organization of reagents used in this project and assistance at the laboratory.

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers.

Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. Watanabe S, Alexander M, Misharin AV, Budinger GRS. The role of macrophages in the resolution of inflammation.

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The results were analyzed using the absolute quantification with arbitrary values. For this purpose, a standard curve was carried out for each target and reference gene.

Primer efficiencies were calculated in each experiment from the standard curve carried out in the same plate as the quantified samples. This calibrator point was the cDNA obtained from the control samples No activated macrophages cultured in normoxia and normoglycemia.

Arbitrary values were then calculated for each condition by comparison with the value 1, using the ratios. Results are presented as mean ± SD standard deviation.

Statistical significance was assessed using one way analysis of variance ANOVA followed by Mann Witney compare all pairs of groups posthoc test.

Prism Excel Stat software was used for all data analysis. The microarray revealed that genes were statistically up or downregulated in hyperglycemia. Filtering for gene expression modulated at least 2 fold, only 54 genes were found to be upregulated and 94 downregulated in hyperglycemia.

Among these genes, thirteen proinflammatory cytokines and ten chemokines were found to be upregulated Fig 2. In contrast, TGF-β1, a crucial cytokine promoting wound healing was downregulated in hyperglycemia 2·01 fold lower.

Moreover, CD36 and Scavenger receptor B, two genes involved in the process of phagocytosis, were also downregulated Table 1. After analysis, the microarray revealed that three major signalling pathways were modulated in hyperglycemia.

These pathways were the EGF Epidermal Growth Factor and Wnt5A Wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 5A and NOD signalling pathways Table 1. Eleven genes encoding for proteins with an anti-apoptotic effect were also upregulated and three pro-apoptotic genes were downregulated Fig 2.

Surprisingly, no genes encoding for metalloproteinases or other proteases were upregulated when cells were cultivated in hyperglycemia.

Finally, only a few genes involved in glycolysis were modulated by the high glucose concentration. Only two were slightly downregulated for glycolysis and two for proliferation.

Overview of genes upregulated and dowregulated in a high glucose environment and hypoxia. The impact of hypoxia and hyperglycemia on the gene expression of TNF- α, IL-1a, IL-6 and GM-CSF was analyzed in detail and compared to the results obtained with the microarray.

Gene expression was measured 1 hour and 17 hours after macrophage activation by LPS. This activation triggered an increase of the TNF-α gene expression after one hour regardless of the culture conditions. The gene expression was around four times the basal level but was not significantly different whether the cells were cultivated in hypoxia or in hyperglycemia Fig 3A.

As a result, the combination of hypoxia and hyperglycemia has a synergistic effect for long term TNF-α gene expression. A TNF-α, B IL-1a, C IL-6, D CSF2, GM-CSF.

Unlike TNF-α, the LPS activation did not increase the IL-1 gene expression after one hour when cells were cultivated in normoxia. In sharp contrast, hypoxia had a huge effect as the IL-1a gene expression was circa five fold higher for cells cultivated in hyperglycemia and normoglycemia.

After 17 hours, the IL-1a expression decreased to its basal level in normoglycemia whereas that measured in hyperglycemic conditions remained high Fig 3B. After 17 hours post-activation, hyperglycemia and hypoxia are required to maintain a high expression of IL-1A.

The addition of lipopolysaccharide to macrophages triggered a slight increase of IL-6 gene expression irrespective of the culture condition Fig 3C. When hypoxia was combined with hyperglycemic conditions, IL-6 gene expression increased dramatically for this group after 17 hours post activation.

Interestingly, cells cultivated in normoxia and hyperglycemia exhibited an increased expression of IL-6 after 17 hours compared to that after 1 hour Fig 3C.

In this case, hyperglycemia has an effect on its own but it was amplified by hypoxia. Macrophage activation did not have any effect on GM-CSF gene expression of each group one hour after LPS addition Fig 3D.

A long term effect of hypoxia was observed as the gene expression of cells cultivated in hypoxia was half that of those cultivated in normoxia.

Therefore, hyperglycemia and hypoxia have a negative effect on inflammation as they upregulate the gene expression of the inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1 in activated macrophages. The LPS activation of macrophages led to a slight increase of the CD gene expression in normoxia and normoglycemia Fig 4A.

Hypoxia and hyperglycemia had a long term effect on this gene expression. Low oxygen tension and high glucose concentration negatively impacted the CD expression on their own.

Macrophages exhibited a drastic upregulation of the Class B Scavenger receptor gene when the cells were cultivated in hypoxia. No effect was observed in normal O 2 condition Fig 4B. After 17 hours post-activation, Class B Scavenger gene expression recovered its basal level irrespective of the culture conditions.

However hypoxia had a slight positive effect when cells were cultured in hyperglycemia. Hence, hypoxia and hyperglycemia decreases the abilities of activated macrophages for phagocytosis because the expression of CD and Class B scavenger are downregulated. The TGF-β1 gene expression was not modified one hour after activation of macrophages regardless of the O 2 and glucose conditions Fig 5.

This expression did not change after 17 hours post activation either. Hence a low O 2 tension and hyperglycemic conditions does not have any impact on TGF-β production Fig 5. SOCS-3 was upregulated one hour after LPS activation when the cells were cultivated in hypoxia. This upregulation was higher for macrophages cultivated in normoglycemia Fig 6.

The SOC-3 gene expression decreased to its basal level after 17 hours in these groups. In contrast, the cells cultivated in normoxia and hyperglycemia exhibited an upregulation of SOCS The goal of this study was to analyze the impact of hyperglycemia on the macrophage phenotype focusing on proteins involved in inflammation, proliferation, apoptosis, ECM breakdown and wound healing.

For this purpose, a gene expression microarray analysis was performed on activated macrophages cultured in a hyperglycemic and hypoxic environment with a low quantity of bovine serum with the aim of mimicking the chronic wound milieu.

Subsequently, the effect of hyperglycemia and hypoxia were analyzed separately to understand their contribution in the chronic wounds. Lastly a potential synergistic effect of high glucose concentration and low O 2 tension was evaluated.

Hyperglycemia has several detrimental effects on human homeostasis. A chronic high glucose concentration leads to a process of protein glycation and the production of advanced glycation endproducts AGEs.

AGEs promote macrophage activation via NF- κ B and stimulate the production of reactive oxygen species ROS [ 22 ]. As a consequence, diabetes predisposes to epigenetic changes which lead to chronic inflammation [ 23 ].

The microarray results show that 13 pro-inflammatory cytokines and 10 chemokines were upregulated in hyperglycemia, thereby confirming the perpetual dysregulation of the inflammatory homeostasis. Pro-inflammatory macrophages are more metabolically active in hyperglycemic conditions and exclusively use glucose as a source of energy [ 24 ].

Hence, this mode of energy production can contribute to the failure to resolve inflammation. Chronic wounds are characterized by the recruitment and the persistence of immune cells in the wound bed neutrophils and macrophages [ 25 ]. The results showed the upregulation of 11 anti-apoptotic genes and the downregulation of 3 pro-apoptotic genes, indicating the direct impact of hyperglycemia on the large number of macrophages inside the cutaneous wound bed.

One major feature of impaired wound healing is the massive breakdown of extracellular matrix. High glucose concentration triggers the production and secretion of metalloproteinases such as MMP-9 and MMP-2 by fibroblasts, keratinocytes and macrophages [ 25 , 26 ].

In our conditions, hyperglycemia did not have a direct effect on proteases as only MMP-7 was affected. In addition, this enzyme was slightly downregulated. Lipopolysacharide LPS is an outer membrane component of Gram negative bacteria which activates macrophages [ 27 ].

LPS contact with TLR receptors orientates macrophages towards a pro-inflammatory M1 phenotype. This phenotype is characterized by the production of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, IL-1, TNF-α, reactive species of oxygen ROS and NO [ 28 ]. The expression of inflammatory cytokines is based on the NF- κ B activation in macrophages [ 29 ].

AGEs interacting with RAGE, their membrane receptor, can be a continuous activator of NF- κ B. As a result, AGEs increase the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines as previously described [ 30 ].

Hypoxia is associated with the activation of hypoxia inducible factors HIFs which is the key mediator of the induction of IL-6, IL-1, TNF-α [ 31 ]. Hence, hypoxia and hyperglycemia could have a synergistic effect on the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

In addition, a cross-talk exists between HIF and NF- κ B to increase this production. We analyzed in detail the impact of hypoxia and high glucose on cytokine production with a kinetic view.

After one hour post LPS activation, the combination of hypoxia and hyperglycemia had a dramatic effect on the expression of TNF-α and IL The combination of hyperglycemia and hypoxia is required to induce a sustained production of pro-inflammatory cytokines as the same phenomenon was observed for TNF-α and IL Beside its major role in inflammation, it has been recently shown that IL-6 could have anti-inflammatory effects via modulation of macrophage phenotype [ 32 ].

IL-6 promote the M2 phenotype of macrophages by inducing the expression of the IL-4 receptor [ 32 ]. In this study, the IL-4 receptor was not upregulated. Several studies have reported on the anti-inflammatory effect of IL-6 and the dependency on the concentration.

In this study, Il-6 was dramatically upregulated and orientated its action towards chronic inflammation [ 32 ]. Regarding IL-1, only hypoxia had a short term impact on the expression of this cytokine. An effect was observable 17 hours post activation for the cells cultivated in hypoxia and hyperglycemia.

This shows their importance for a long term effect on inflammation. Moreover, the sustained and prolonged production of IL-1 contributes to diminish wound healing by activating TLR receptors and maintaining macrophages in a M1 phenotype [ 33 ].

Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor GM-CSF is highly upregulated in hyperglycemic conditions. GM-CSF is produced during the inflammation phase and is a marker of M1 macrophages [ 34 ]. This cytokine stimulates the production of chemokines such as CCL2 and CCL3 and is involved in the recruitment of myeloid cells within the wound [ 33 ].

The GM-CSF expression is induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1 and TNF-alpha. As a consequence, the high production of pro-inflammatory cytokines by high glucose and low O2 tension increases the expression of GM-CSF, which has also a negative effect on inflammation.

In our conditions, GM-CSF was not impacted by hyperglycemia which is not consistent with the results of the micro array. Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 SOCS3 is associated with the pro-inflammatory M1 phenotype of macrophages. In addition, SOCS3 decreases the phagocytic activities of macrophages for apoptotic neutrophils.

The decrease of clearance of dead neutrophils impedes the resolution of inflammation and a pro-inflammatory environment shows a strong upregulation of SOCS3 [ 35 , 36 ]. Hyperglycemia seems to have a short term negative effect on SOCS3.

Surprisingly, hyperglycemia seems to favour the resolution of inflammation at this time point. However, hyperglycemia has a negative effect after 17 hours when the cells are cultivated in hyperglycemia.

As SOCS-3 is upregulated in this study, this confirms the inflammatory effect of IL-6 in hyperglycemia. It has been shown this cytokine has an anti-inflammatory effect only when SOCS-3 was downregulated or ablated [ 37 ].

Hyperglycemia combined with hypoxia also led to the upregulation of a panel of chemokines. Among them, CCL-4 is of great interest because it activates neutrophils which can trigger neutrophilic inflammation [ 38 , 39 ].

In addition, this chemokine triggers the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Five C-X-C chemokines CXCL 1- CXCL5 were also upregulated in hyperglycemia.

For example, CXCL2 is highly expressed. Moreover, CXCL2 recruit neutrophils to infection sites. Overall, the other chemokines have the same effect, recruiting leucocytes in the wound.

Hence, hyperglycemia and hypoxia create a vicious circle which maintains a high inflammation in the wound and prevents the switch from the inflammatory phase to the proliferative one.

Phagocytosis of dead cells is required for the resolution of inflammation and the transition towards the proliferative phase [ 41 ] because impaired cell clearance has been observed in diabetic wounds [ 42 ]. CD36 is a member of the class B scavenger receptor family found in macrophages. CD36 is an efferocytosis receptor which acts in combination with α v β 3 integrin to engulf dead neutrophils [ 41 ].

Unlike the normoglycemic conditions, CD36 expression does not increase in hyperglycemia one hour after LPS activation. This result shows the impaired phagocytic activities of macrophages cultivated in high glucose. In addition, CD36 mediate s the bacteria phagocytosis and the production of inflammatory molecules such as IL-8 [ 43 ].

Hence, the absence of an upregulation of CD36 following the activation by LPS suggests the lower ability of macrophages to combat infection when they are in a hyperglycemic milieu.

Class B scavenger type I receptors CLA-1 are also involved in the pathogen s recognition and the removal of apoptotic cells.

They have a lot of structural similarities with CD36 [ 43 ]. They also have an effect on cytokine production as Knock Out CLA-1 mice expressed more inflammatory cytokines than the wild type [ 43 ]. The results showed that hypoxia is an important stimulus for Class B scavenger expression because its expression is multiplied by 12 in hypoxia over that in the normoxic conditions.

Hyperglycemia negatively modulates this upregulation showing once again the impaired phagocytic abilities of diabetic macrophages, thereby settling down the chronic inflammation in the cutaneous wound. TGF-B1 is a master regulator of the wound healing process by promoting the switch between the inflammation and the proliferative phase [ 44 ].

The TGF-B activity counterbalances the effect of TNF-alpha in macrophages [ 45 ] and favours angiogenesis, ECM deposition and fibroblast proliferation. Hyperglycemia and hypoxia did not have any effect on its gene expression.

Hence, hyperglycemia only negatively impacts the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines but not those involved in wound healing. Hyperglycemia has a negative impact on the wound healing of foot diabetic ulcers.

High glucose level acts in synergy with hypoxia to maintain the state of chronic inflammation observed in chronic wounds. Hyperglycemia increases the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines by macrophages and decreases their ability of phagocytosis, required for the resolution of inflammation.

By contrast, the cytokines involved in wound healing were not impacted by the high glucose concentration. This overview of the macrophage behavior cultivated in hyperglycemia and hypoxia could be helpful towards discovering novel relevant targets for the treatment of foot diabetic ulcers.

The authors would like to thank Dr Oliver Carroll for his technical guidance in the project, Dana Toncu for editorial and critical assessment of the manuscript, and Mr Anthony Sloan for his editorial assistance in finalizing the manuscript.

Browse Subject Areas? Click through the PLOS taxonomy to find articles in your field. Article Authors Metrics Comments Media Coverage Reader Comments Figures. Abstract Diabetic foot ulcers DFUs are characterized by a chronic inflammation state which prevents cutaneous wound healing, and DFUs eventually lead to infection and leg amputation.

Introduction Diabetic foot ulcers are the most common, painful and crippling complications of diabetes mellitus [ 1 ]. In pathological conditions, macrophages are locked in the M1 phenotype, thereby leading to chronic inflammation Hypoxia in DFU creates conditions that are disadvantageous because the low oxygen tension induces the increased release of pro-inflammatory cytokines via the activation of NF- κ B signaling pathways [ 10 , 11 ].

Download: PPT. Fig 1. Differentiation and activation of macrophages cultivated in hyperglycemia and hypoxia. Results 3. Table 1.

Gene expression profile of THP-1 derived macrophages cultivated in hyperglycemia and hypoxia. Effect of hyperglycemia and hypoxia on gene expression of inflammatory cytokines The impact of hypoxia and hyperglycemia on the gene expression of TNF- α, IL-1a, IL-6 and GM-CSF was analyzed in detail and compared to the results obtained with the microarray.

Fig 3. Fig 5. Impact of hyperglycemia and hypoxia in activated macrophages on the gene expression of TGF-β, the major wound healing molecule.

Fig 6. Impact of hyperglycemia and hypoxia on the gene expression of SOCS-3 in activated macrophages. Conclusion Hyperglycemia has a negative impact on the wound healing of foot diabetic ulcers.

Supporting information. S1 Table. List of primer used for the RT-PCR. s PDF. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Dr Oliver Carroll for his technical guidance in the project, Dana Toncu for editorial and critical assessment of the manuscript, and Mr Anthony Sloan for his editorial assistance in finalizing the manuscript.

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Nathalie Iron industry news and advancements RekeneireRita ChonicJingzhong Ding Chronic hyperglycemia and inflammation, Inflamkation H. ColbertMarjolein VisserRonald I. ShorrStephen B. KritchevskyLewis H. KullerElsa S. StrotmeyerAnn V. SchwartzBruno VellasTamara B.

Chronic hyperglycemia and inflammation -

Although more research needs to be done, studies have found that inflammation in response to environmental factors, including inflammation from exposure to infections, may influence the development of type 1 diabetes. Inflammation also plays a major role in the formation and progression of type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is chronic condition in which the body has difficulty processing glucose aka blood sugar from carbohydrates in food. This causes chronically high levels of blood sugar, which eventually triggers the body's inflammatory response.

Over time, type 2 diabetes causes ongoing inflammation in the body. Inflammation is also a factor in developing type 2 diabetes.

Studies have found that pro-inflammatory compounds can disrupt the insulin-signaling pathways involved in metabolizing glucose, thus contributing to type 2 diabetes. Research has also found that excess body fat increases the risk for developing inflammation and chronic diseases that promote inflammation, such as type 2 diabetes.

Chronic inflammation can also contribute to excess body fat, creating a vicious cycle of weight gain, inflammation, blood sugar dysfunction, and subsequent risk for increased risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Nutrition plays a key role in managing chronic inflammation as it can help minimize damage done from inflammation through the power of antioxidants. Antioxidants are anti-inflammatory compounds that help neutralize inflammatory compounds like free radicals.

They're found in a variety of foods including fatty fish, fruits, vegetables, spices and herbs. Here are a few key nutrients that can help counteract chronic inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to fight inflammation, making them an important part of the diet. Getting enough omega-3s is essential for everyone, but especially important for people who have a higher inflammatory load and need an extra boost of antioxidants.

Some of the best sources of omega-3s include fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel. You can also get omega-3s from plant-based sources like walnuts and flaxseeds.

Curcumin is a type of antioxidant found in the popular spice turmeric. Turmeric root, which is in the same plant family as ginger, can be enjoyed fresh or dried as a spice and has been used for centuries as a medicinal food in Ayurvedic and Eastern medicine.

Preliminary research suggests curcumin may help decrease blood glucose and improve insulin resistance in people with diabetes. You can use turmeric as a spice in a variety of savory dishes including curries and chicken salad.

You can also make turmeric latte or add turmeric to your smoothies to get an extra boost of turmeric in your beverages. Vitamin C is another antioxidant that helps drive down oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. Although more research needs to be done, a recent study found that vitamin C may decrease oxidative stress from inflammation in people with type 2 diabetes.

You can get a healthy dose of vitamin C in your diet by regularly eating citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers and kiwi. Polyphenols are a group of phytonutrients, or compounds, that occur in plant foods. Examples of polyphenols include flavonols, quercetin, catechins, anthocyanins, and resveratrol.

Polyphenols fight inflammation by quelling free radicals and regulating the activity of pro-inflammatory compounds.

Polyphenols can be found in a variety of foods and spices, including berries, cinnamon, dark chocolate, red onions and purple cabbage. Nutrition and diet play a big role in helping decrease inflammation through antioxidants found in foods.

Taking in plenty of nutrients that help counter chronic inflammation can play a part in managing diabetes. The easiest way to take in more key nutrients like omega-3 fats, curcumin, vitamin c and polyphenols is to eat a wide range of fruits and vegetables every day as well as fatty fish a few times a week.

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Front Immunol Wynn TA, Vannella KM. Macrophages in tissue repair, regeneration, and fibrosis. Immunity 44 3 — Kaneko N, Kurata M, Yamamoto T, Morikawa S, Masumoto J. The role of interleukin-1 in general pathology. Inflammation Regen CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar.

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High glucose environments interfere with bone marrow-derived macrophage inflammatory mediator release, the TLR4 pathway and glucose metabolism. Sci Rep 9 1 Marim FM, Silveira TN, Lima DS Jr, Zamboni DS. A method for generation of bone marrow-derived macrophages from cryopreserved mouse bone marrow cells.

PloS One 5 12 :e Carlos D, Costa FR, Pereira CA, Rocha FA, Yaochite JN, Oliveira GG, et al. Mitochondrial DNA activates the NLRP3 inflammasome and predisposes to type 1 diabetes in murine model.

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Human monocytes and macrophages undergo M1-type inflammatory polarization in response to high levels of glucose. Immunol Lett —9. Cheng CI, Chen PH, Lin YC, Kao YH. High glucose activates Raw Cell Signal 27 2 — Tessaro GFH, Ayala TS, Bella LM, Martins JO. Immunobiology 2 Lachmandas E, Vrieling F, Wilson LG, Joosten SA, Netea MG, Ottenhoff TH, et al.

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We repeated this analysis to explore the association between DM and each outcome individually. We then performed mediation analysis to assess whether the effect of DM on the composite outcome is mediated by suPAR, after adjusting for the clinical variables in model 3 age, sex, race, BMI, and history of hypertension, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, and admission eGFR We first examined the association of each clinical characteristic and the composite outcome in univariable analysis.

Biomarkers of inflammation log 2 transformed were each examined in the multivariable risk model separately. We also explored risk factors for each individual outcome using the same multivariable risk model.

Finally, we calculated the relative importance of clinical characteristics, biomarkers of inflammation, and glucose levels for predicting the composite outcome on the basis of the Gini index using a random forest approach The coefficient of variation is expressed as the SD divided by the mean of all glucose measurements during hospitalization.

The average amount of insulin administered was calculated as the total insulin dose units divided by patient weight kilograms multiplied by the total number of in-hospital days. We used Spearman rank correlation to examine the correlation between each biomarker of inflammation with glucose coefficient of variation and the average insulin dose received during hospitalization.

To assess the association between each exposure and the composite outcome, we used multivariable regression models. For glucose variables, the coefficients are expressed as a unit difference, whereas insulin dose is expressed as a difference in 0.

Models were adjusted for age, sex, race, BMI, and history of hypertension, coronary artery disease, and congestive heart failure. Separate models were additionally adjusted for suPAR within 48 h of admission and corticosteroid use. We performed a complete case analysis for multivariable models.

There were no missing data for any demographic or clinical characteristic. All analyses were performed using R 4. Compared with individuals without DM, those with DM were older mean age 64 vs.

On hospital admission, individuals with DM were less likely to present with fever COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FEU, fibrinogen-equivalent units; IQR, interquartile range. HbA 1c measured within 1 year of hospital admission was available in individuals without DM and with DM.

In unadjusted analyses, the levels of several inflammatory biomarkers, including suPAR, CRP, procalcitonin, and D-dimer, were higher on admission in individuals with DM than in those without DM Table 1.

On average, participants with DM had Overall, the primary composite outcome was observed in There was a total of In unadjusted analyses, individuals with DM had a significantly higher cumulative incidence of the primary composite outcome In multivariable analyses, adjusting for demographics model 1 and clinical characteristics model 2 heavily attenuated the association between DM and the primary outcome adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 1.

When these outcomes were examined individually, a similar pattern was seen Fig. Risk of in-hospital outcomes in individuals with COVID and with and without DM.

Four different models were used: model 0 unadjusted ; model 1 demographics adjusted for age, sex, and race; model 2 clinical characteristics additionally adjusted for BMI and history of hypertension, coronary artery disease, and congestive heart failure clinical characteristics ; and model 3 inflammation further adjusted for suPAR level.

The proportion of the effect of DM on the primary outcome mediated by suPAR was We found similar associations when examining outcomes individually, with a few notable exceptions Supplementary Table 3. Older age was strongly associated with in-hospital death aOR 1.

Type 1 DM, prior insulin use, and medications for hyperglycemia were not associated with an increased odds in the primary outcome. Levels of all inflammatory biomarkers were associated with an increased odds of the primary outcome when examined separately in a multivariable model adjusted for demographic and clinical risk factors Supplementary Table 2.

We identified suPAR level as the most important variable associated with the primary outcome in individuals with DM and COVID, followed by BMI, admission glucose, and age in descending order of importance Fig. Variable importance plot to predict composite outcome in individuals with DM and COVID The variable importance plot is based on the Gini index using a random forest approach.

Shown are data from model 3 adjusted for age, sex, race, BMI, admission suPAR, and history of preexisting coronary artery disease, hypertension, and heart failure for predicting the composite outcome of in-hospital death, need for mechanical ventilation, and need for renal replacement therapy.

We also examined whether glucose ranges, glucose variation, and insulin requirements were associated with the primary outcome. The glucose coefficient of variation in individuals with DM was The glucose coefficient of variation, a greater percentage of glucose values outside the target range, a greater percentage of high glucose values, and a higher required insulin dose were all associated with a greater odds of the primary outcome in individuals with DM Fig.

Per every 0. Including suPAR or corticosteroid use in the models did not affect estimates significantly Supplementary Table 5. Associations among glucose, insulin, and combined outcome in individuals with DM in the M 2 C 2 subset.

All ORs are compared using the following reference categories for each variable: 0—1. The glucose coefficient of variation is calculated as the SD divided by the mean of all glucose measurements taken during hospitalization and then multiplied by Percent in glucose range and high glucose are expressed as the percentage of all glucose measurements within each category during hospitalization.

In this in-depth examination of the interplay among DM, inflammation, hyperglycemia, and outcomes in individuals hospitalized for COVID, we found that the impact of DM on outcomes is tightly linked to heightened inflammation.

First, individuals with DM had a greater incidence of in-hospital outcomes and higher levels of inflammatory markers notably suPAR compared with those without DM. The association between DM and outcomes was abrogated, however, by including suPAR in the model, with mediation analysis suggesting that the effect of DM on outcomes is largely mediated by suPAR.

Among individuals with DM, suPAR, BMI, admission glucose levels, and age were the most important risk factors in that order. The correlation between inflammatory markers and hyperglycemia was modest at best, while hyperglycemia and higher insulin requirements during hospitalization were associated with worse outcomes.

This association was not attenuated after adjusting for suPAR, implying that hyperglycemia affects COVID—related outcomes through noninflammatory processes. DM is a well-established risk factor for COVID 2 , 17 ; however, the underlying mechanisms are unclear.

In susceptible individuals, SARS-CoV-2 infection is thought to trigger a prolonged hyperinflammatory response, dubbed the cytokine storm 4 , 18 — DM, as a chronic inflammatory condition, may predispose individuals to a heightened inflammatory response 23 , Mitochondrial disruption, rather than changes to glucose metabolism, has been found to lead to altered T-cell cytokine production notably by T-helper 17 cells in type 2 DM Consistently, we found that individuals with DM had higher levels of inflammatory biomarkers, including suPAR, CRP, procalcitonin, and D-dimer.

After adjusting for comorbidities, we noted a singular association between DM and suPAR, suggesting that suPAR represents the inflammatory biomarker most reflective of the hyperinflammatory state in DM and COVID Our mediation analysis supports this finding in that we found that suPAR levels accounted for Conversely, another study found that CRP accounted for only SuPAR is an immune-derived signaling glycoprotein, which is notorious for its role in kidney disease 25 — 27 , cardiovascular disease 28 — 30 , and most recently, COVID 13 , Blood suPAR levels are notably high in individuals with type 1 or type 2 DM, even in the nonacute setting, and are strongly predictive of DM-related outcomes, such as nephropathy and atherosclerotic events 28 , 32 , Several studies have identified a correlation between T-helper 17 cells and suPAR levels 34 , 35 , which may explain the predilection for individuals with DM to have higher suPAR levels 23 , SuPAR differs from other biomarkers of inflammation in that it is not an acute-phase reactant: Levels remain stable in highly proinflammatory situations, such as acute myocardial infarction or cardiac surgery An increased suPAR level, however, is triggered by specific stimuli, such as smoking and RNA viruses e.

Accordingly, individuals with DM and COVID have four- to eightfold higher suPAR levels median 8. Overall, these findings suggest that suPAR levels may reflect more specifically the burden of inflammation in COVID compared with other biomarkers.

Hyperglycemia has traditionally been thought to be a major driver of inflammation through several mechanisms, including increased oxidative stress 8. In our study, hyperglycemia and higher insulin requirements are independently associated with in-hospital outcomes in individuals with DM and COVID, consistent with earlier studies 2 , Surprisingly, we found only a weak correlation between suPAR or other inflammatory biomarkers with hyperglycemia, and the association between hyperglycemia and outcomes was not mitigated by adjusting for suPAR.

The association between hyperglycemia and COVID—related outcomes likely occurs through mechanisms not reflected by inflammatory biomarkers. This is consistent with a study showing that nonmitochondrial glycolysis did not affect the inflammatory signature in type 2 DM Whether aggressive glucose control would improve COVID—related outcomes remains to be shown in a clinical trial setting This study has several important strengths.

It is the largest study to investigate the role of inflammatory biomarkers in individuals with DM hospitalized for COVID In addition, in contrast with other studies, it includes a diverse cohort of individuals specifically hospitalized for COVID rather than defined by SARS-CoV-2 positivity alone.

Blood samples were collected on admission, without being confounded by anti-inflammatory therapies, and thus, reflect more accurately the inflammatory state. The clinical data were collected through careful and adjudicated review of individual medical records rather than through administrative data sets.

The study benefited from standardized glucose and insulin data collected continuously throughout the hospitalization through the Michigan Medicine hyperglycemia management protocol. This study also had some limitations. Given the small number of patients with type 1 DM in this cohort, the findings cannot be extended to these individuals.

The diagnosis of DM was based on medical chart review and available HbA 1c levels at the time of admission; thus, it is possible that some individuals classified as not having DM could have had undiagnosed DM.

Finally, mechanistic studies are warranted to validate the inferences based on the epidemiologic observations noted in our study. In summary, these data show that COVID—related in-hospital outcomes in individuals with DM are driven by a hyperinflammatory state reflected best by suPAR levels.

SuPAR levels were the most important predictor of outcomes in individuals with DM, followed by obesity, hyperglycemia, and age. Hyperglycemia and higher insulin requirements correlated weakly with inflammatory biomarkers and were associated with outcomes independently of suPAR, suggesting that they likely impact outcomes through other mechanisms.

Further study is needed to determine whether suPAR and hyperglycemia are therapeutic targets for the management of COVID in individuals with DM. Clinical trial reg. NCT , clinicaltrials. is supported by a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute—funded postdoctoral fellowship T32HL

Alexi VasbinderElizabeth Anderson inflammtaion, Husam ShadidChroonic BerlinMichael Pan Antioxidant enzymes, Tariq Antioxidant enzymes. LoosenAthanasios ChalkiasFrank ChronjcEvangelos Hyperglycemi. Giamarellos-BourboulisJochen Mindful eating for stress reductionJesper Eugen-OlsenEva L. FeldmanRodica Pop-BusuiSalim S. Hayek; on behalf of the ISIC Study Group, Inflammation, Hyperglycemia, and Adverse Outcomes in Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus Hospitalized for COVID Diabetes Care 1 March ; 45 3 : — Diabetes mellitus DM is a major risk factor for severe coronavirus disease COVID for reasons that are unclear.

Author: Mezijind

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